On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 9:35 PM, Christophe Pettus <x...@thebuild.com> wrote:
>> The only problem with that is now you have to move the implementation
>> of ||, plus a bunch of other hstore operators into core. That seems
>> like a more difficult direction to move in from a practical
>> perspective, and I'm not sure that you won't hit a snag elsewhere.
> Implementing operators for new types in PostgreSQL is pretty well-trod 
> ground.  I really don't know what snags we might hit.

I don't find that very reassuring.

>> I suppose that putting it in core would be slightly preferable
>> given the strategic importance of jsonb, but it's not something that
>> I'd weigh too highly.
> I'm completely unsure how to parse the idea that something is strategically 
> important but we shouldn't put it in core.  If json was important enough to 
> make it into core, jsonb certainly is.

That is completely orthogonal to everything I've said. To be clear:
I'm not suggesting that we don't put jsonb in core because it's not
important enough - it has nothing to do with that whatsoever - and
besides, I don't understand why an extension is seen as not befitting
of a more important feature.

> Honestly, I really don't understand the resistance to putting jsonb in core.  
> There are missing operators, yes; that's a very straight-forward hole to plug.

You are basically suggesting putting all of hstore in core, because
jsonb and hstore are approximately the same thing. That seem quite a
bit more controversial than putting everything in the hstore
extension. I doubt that you can reasonably take any half measure
between those two extremes, and one seems a lot less controversial
than the other. This patch already seems controversial enough to me.
It's as simple as that.

Peter Geoghegan

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