On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 11:02 PM, Christophe Pettus <x...@thebuild.com> wrote:
> On Feb 27, 2014, at 9:59 PM, Peter Geoghegan <p...@heroku.com> wrote:
>> I don't find that very reassuring.
> Obviously, we have to try it, and that will decide it.

I don't think that's obvious at all. Anyone is free to spend their
time however they please, but personally I don't think that that's a
wise use of anyone's time.

> contrib/ is considered a secondary set of features; I routinely get pushback 
> from clients about using hstore because it's not in core, and they are thus 
> suspicious of it.  The educational project required to change that far 
> exceeds any technical work we are talking about here..  There's a very large 
> presentational difference between having a feature in contrib/ and in core, 
> at the minimum, setting aside the technical issues (such as the 
> extensions-calling-extensions problem).

There are no technical issues of any real consequence in this specific instance.

> We have an existence proof of this already: if there was absolutely no 
> difference between having things being in contrib/ and being in core, full 
> text search would still be in contrib/.

I never said there was no difference, and whatever difference exists
varies considerably, as Heikki points out. I myself want to move
pg_stat_statements to core, for example, for exactly one very specific
reason: so that I can reserve a small amount of shared memory by
default so that it can be enabled without a restart at short notice.

>> You are basically suggesting putting all of hstore in core, because
>> jsonb and hstore are approximately the same thing. That seem quite a
>> bit more controversial than putting everything in the hstore
>> extension.
> Well, "controversy" is just a way of saying there are people who don't like 
> the idea, and I get that.  But I don't see the basis for the dislike.

Yes, people who have the ability to block the feature entirely. I am
attempting to build consensus by reaching a compromise that weighs
everyone's concerns.

Peter Geoghegan

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