On Feb 27, 2014, at 9:59 PM, Peter Geoghegan <p...@heroku.com> wrote:

> I don't find that very reassuring.

Obviously, we have to try it, and that will decide it.

> I don't understand why an extension is seen as not befitting
> of a more important feature.

contrib/ is considered a secondary set of features; I routinely get pushback 
from clients about using hstore because it's not in core, and they are thus 
suspicious of it.  The educational project required to change that far exceeds 
any technical work we are talking about here..  There's a very large 
presentational difference between having a feature in contrib/ and in core, at 
the minimum, setting aside the technical issues (such as the 
extensions-calling-extensions problem).

We have an existence proof of this already: if there was absolutely no 
difference between having things being in contrib/ and being in core, full text 
search would still be in contrib/.

> You are basically suggesting putting all of hstore in core, because
> jsonb and hstore are approximately the same thing. That seem quite a
> bit more controversial than putting everything in the hstore
> extension.

Well, "controversy" is just a way of saying there are people who don't like the 
idea, and I get that.  But I don't see the basis for the dislike.

-- Christophe Pettus

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