Olivier PRENANT wrote:

Larry Rosenman wrote:

I am inclined to think yes.  It would prevent uglification of the code
by not having to special-case Unixware.

However, I was able to read the libc sources to confirm thread-safety.
Because you can not see the source, would you try a threaded program and
see if calls to getpwuid from different threads return different
pointer values?

It won't prove anything on MY box, as it is a UNIPROCESSOR, so the threads won't be dispatched at the same time.

I have 2 bi-pro machines here both running unixware 7.1.3 I can make tests if you want

It's ok to assume thread-safety, as the SCO developer (Kean Johnston) asked the threads guys, and he said that the libc stuff is thread-safe so they don't have to have 2 different versions in libc.


If any one can write a program that can prove anything (I can't), I'm willing to test it here on a bi-pro (bi PIII and bi-XEON with JT enabled) running uw713.
Maybe it will end the discussion and make a point in either way. So that we (you?) can move on with the other unixware patches.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match

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