On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 10:03:26PM +0100, Simon Riggs wrote:


> I raise this now because I'm thinking that this functionality really ought
> to be in the main production 8.0 release. Not sure if anybody will
> agree....but that's what I'm thinking now, based upon what seems like a
> simple design to put it there. My rationale is that it will be simpler to
> support one file format than two, if we introduce the change at a later
> time.

Why do you talk about another file format?  AFAIU it's the same format,
only the archived files will lack the page images.  Maybe I'm missing

Anyway I think we are way past feature freeze, and XLog "compression"
could made it into 8.1 without loss of functionality.  At that point we
will say "now PITR uses less space on the archiver" and that's it.

(Maybe we could even think about LZ-compressing the remaining WAL
entries on the archived logs?)

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]dcc.uchile.cl>)
"La felicidad no es maņana. La felicidad es ahora"

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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