Jaime Casanova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Actually, i can't see what's the problem. :)

I think the issue is "how long does it take for the rollback to happen?"

While that isn't an unreasonable issue on its face, I think it really
boils down to this: the OP is complaining because he thinks the
connection-loss timeout mandated by the TCP RFCs is too long.  Perhaps
the OP knows network engineering far better than the authors of those
RFCs, or perhaps not.  I'm not convinced that Postgres ought to provide
a way to second-guess the TCP stack ... this looks to me like "I can't
convince the network software people to provide me an easy way to
override their decisions, so I'll beat up on the database people to
override 'em instead.  Perhaps the database people don't know the issues
and can be browbeaten more easily."

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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