On 5/18/05, Marc G. Fournier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The key requirement that has always come up is that the core developers
> wouldn't use anything web based, so the tracker would have to somehow tie
> into the mailing lists themselves ...

What's the basis of this objection to a web-based dev management
system?  Seems like web-based makes plenty of sense for a physically
disparate development community like this one.

It also seems that, once you get it up and running, any worthwhile dev
management system is going to actually take less time / effort to
maintain than, say, maintaining manually concocted todo lists and
coordinating development via a mailing list.

Call me a normaliser, but even if the maintenance cost is higher, I
think it's worth it to have a centralised, authoratitive, organised
repository for dev task data.

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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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