On Feb 3, 2006, at 12:27, Tom Lane wrote:

I guess I can live without the dependancy tracking. I can always dump
and reload my database to re-parse all the functions. Maybe we could
have a RELOAD FUNCTION command that would just re-parse an existing
function, so I don't have to dump and reload?

Hm?  I don't understand why you think this is needed.

Consider function foo() that references table bar. When you CREATE FUNCTION foo() ... AS 'SELECT ... FROM bar' you get an error message if bar doesn't exist. If it does exist, CREATE FUNCTION succeeds.

If you later DROP bar, you're not informed that function foo() was referencing it. You only find that out if you redefine foo() (using CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION and passing in the same definition, which fails) or if you try to run foo() (and the query fails).

If functions had true dependency tracking, then you couldn't DROP bar due to foo()'s dependency on it, unless you did a DROP CASCADE and were alerted that foo() was dropped as well.

I'm fine with those limitations. I can confirm that all of my functions are not referencing tables that don't exist by doing a CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION to reload each function. A pg_dump/ pg_restore would accomplish this, but it would be nice to have a "RELOAD FUNCTION" (or "REPARSE"? or "VERIFY"?) command that would just re-parse the function's source code (like CREATE FUNCTION does) and spit out errors if the function is referencing relations that don't exist. Just as a way to confirm that the table modification I just performed didn't break any functions. On-demand dependency checking, in a way.

Note that you can already do

regression=# create function fooey(int, out k1 int, out k2 int) returns setof record as regression-# $$ select unique1, unique2 from tenk1 where thousand = $1 $$ language sql;
regression=# select * from fooey(44);
  k1  |  k2
 7044 |  562
 5044 |  692
 1044 |  789
 4044 | 1875
 3044 | 3649
 2044 | 4063
 8044 | 6124
 6044 | 6451
 9044 | 6503
   44 | 7059
(10 rows)


Learn something new every day. I'm still using 7.4 for most of my day job, and I can't do this without supplying a column definition list:

ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"

I hereby withdraw my proposal for "CREATE SQL FUNCTION."


- Chris

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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