On Mon, 2006-07-17 at 10:11 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
> On the other hand, if we include PL/Perl, Tcl and Python but exclude Ruby 
> from the main package we are effectively making a statement to Ruby users 
> that their language is inferior in our consideration.

Hardly -- no more so than not including JDBC and PL/Java in the main CVS
is evidence that we're all Java haters. The fact that we include
PL/Perl, PL/Python and PL/Tcl is more a matter of momentum/historical
accident than an expression of preference, IMHO.

> However, the lack of a maintainer who is an active participant in the 
> community is a serious drawback

Well, if the author is interested in maintaining PL/Ruby as part of the
postgresql.org CVS tree (is he?), I think that is sufficient. Whether he
"participates in the community" beyond maintaining PL/Ruby is not really
relevant, IMHO.

(FWIW, I'd be fairly comfortable hacking on PL/Ruby, as I have some
prior experience with Ruby and its C API.)


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