On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 11:07:27AM +0200, Magnus Hagander wrote:
> Oh, and I'm now seeing failures on my dev box with ECPG on the MSVC build
> using "the old way" (.bat-files):
>     array_of_struct.c
>     array_of_struct.pgc(26): error C2065: 'customer' : undeclared identifier
>     array_of_struct.pgc(26): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before 
> identifier 'custs1'
>     array_of_struct.pgc(26): error C2065: 'custs1' : undeclared identifier
>     array_of_struct.pgc(26): error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer 
> type
>     array_of_struct.pgc(27): error C2065: 'cust_ind' : undeclared identifier
>     array_of_struct.pgc(27): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before 
> identifier 'inds'
>     array_of_struct.pgc(27): error C2065: 'inds' : undeclared identifier
>     array_of_struct.pgc(27): error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer 
> type
>     array_of_struct.pgc(33): error C2275: 'customer2' : illegal use of this 
> type as an expression
>     array_of_struct.pgc(32) : see declaration of 'customer2'

I do not have a Windows development setup around, so I never tried
myself but this looks strange. Could anyone please send me the .c file?
There are two possible reason: Either ecpg creates different code on
Windows, or the code that works on all Unix systems does not compile on


P.S.: Is there some documentation available on how to set up a Windows
build system? Takes less time when you know all software to install
beforehand and if you get this software at all.
Michael Meskes
Email: Michael at Fam-Meskes dot De, Michael at Meskes dot (De|Com|Net|Org)
ICQ: 179140304, AIM/Yahoo: michaelmeskes, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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