There is the liveliness aspect. Today we get this with React for example on
the web.

That's also what Morphic provides (albeit the internals may be better, it
is still great at the core) with the stepping methods.

I wouldn't go down the Agile road as this is looking more and more like a
religion and not driven by pragmatic considerations.

For me, Pharo provides the shortest path between ideas and manifestations
of those ideas.

What makes Pharo nice is that people are taking charge and pushing forward.
The willingness to make things move forward, the relentless progress (look
at a 1.3 for example vs a 3.0), tools that are emerging, integration with
mainstream systems are all aspects that make Pharo great.

No such thing in Squeak these days.

Of course there are rough edges. Maybe this Pharo thing is the pioneer's
best friend.

It pushes on the most important motivational source in people: the desire
to use it. That's the #1 consideration for me: I do want to use Pharo, no
matter the quirks. It is like a drug.


On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 7:47 AM, Hilaire Fernandes <> wrote:

> Morning,
> Livecoding is nice. I also like the idea of using the adjective "Agile"
> as it conveys coolness in the today developers mind: "Pharo, an agile
> programming environment and language for agile developers."
> Hilaire
> Le 13/05/2014 17:45, Craig Latta a écrit :
> >      Let's put more energy into a concise and intriguing description. I
> > think the primary concepts are programming, dynamism and messaging. The
> > word "livecoding" seems to resonate these days. If we're going to repeat
> > a word twenty times, I would choose that one. :)  It has a nice ring
> --
> Dr. Geo

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