On 01 Sep 2014, at 17:35, Yuriy Tymchuk <yuriy.tymc...@me.com> wrote:

> This this started at 29th and crashes image while loading configuration. Any 
> idea what’s wrong?

This means that you load code that assigns to arguments (method arguments).
The new compiler allowed it (an oversight), the old one did not…. now it is 
again not allowed.

(for bock arguments, it is still allowed).

> ==== Startup Error: SyntaxErrorNotification: Cannot store into
> OCSemanticError>>notify:at:
> OCSemanticError>>defaultAction
> [ :ex | 
> ex defaultAction.
> ^ self compilationContext failBlock value ] in 
> OpalCompiler>>doSemanticAnalysis in Block: [ :ex | ...
> BlockClosure>>cull:
> [ self exceptionHandlerBlock cull: exception ] in Context>>handleSignal: in 
> Block: [ self exceptionHandlerBlock cull: exception ]
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> Context>>handleSignal:
> OCSemanticError(Exception)>>signal
> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>storeIntoSpecialVariable:
> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>lookupVariableForWrite:
> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>visitAssignmentNode:
> RBAssignmentNode>>acceptVisitor:
> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer(RBProgramNodeVisitor)>>visitNode:
> [ :each | self visitNode: each ] in OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>visitSequenceNode: 
> in Block: [ :each | self visitNode: each ]
> OrderedCollection>>do:
> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>visitSequenceNode:
> RBSequenceNode>>acceptVisitor:
> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer(RBProgramNodeVisitor)>>visitNode:
> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>visitMethodNode:
> RBMethodNode>>acceptVisitor:
> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer(RBProgramNodeVisitor)>>visitNode:
> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>analyze:
> RBMethodNode>>doSemanticAnalysis
> RBMethodNode>>doSemanticAnalysisInContext:
> [ ast doSemanticAnalysisInContext: self compilationContext ] in 
> OpalCompiler>>doSemanticAnalysis in Block: [ ast doSemanticAnalysisInContext: 
> self compilatio...etc...
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> OpalCompiler>>doSemanticAnalysis
> [ 
> ast := self parse.
> self doSemanticAnalysis ] in [ 
> [ 
> ast := self parse.
> self doSemanticAnalysis ]
>       on: OCSourceCodeChanged
>       do: [ :notification | 
>               self source: notification newSourceCode.
>               notification retry ].
> cm := ast generate: self compilationContext compiledMethodTrailer ] in 
> OpalCompiler>>compile in Block: [ ...
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> [ 
> [ 
> ast := self parse.
> self doSemanticAnalysis ]
>       on: OCSourceCodeChanged
>       do: [ :notification | 
>               self source: notification newSourceCode.
>               notification retry ].
> cm := ast generate: self compilationContext compiledMethodTrailer ] in 
> OpalCompiler>>compile in Block: [ ...
> Got startup errors: 
>     SyntaxErrorNotification: Cannot store into
> Cheers
> Uko

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