Thanks Marcus! 

On 01 Sep 2014, at 17:45, Marcus Denker <> wrote:

> On 01 Sep 2014, at 17:35, Yuriy Tymchuk <> wrote:
>> This this started at 29th and crashes image while loading configuration. Any 
>> idea what’s wrong?
> This means that you load code that assigns to arguments (method arguments).
> The new compiler allowed it (an oversight), the old one did not…. now it is 
> again not allowed.
> (for bock arguments, it is still allowed).
>> ==== Startup Error: SyntaxErrorNotification: Cannot store into
>> OCSemanticError>>notify:at:
>> OCSemanticError>>defaultAction
>> [ :ex | 
>> ex defaultAction.
>> ^ self compilationContext failBlock value ] in 
>> OpalCompiler>>doSemanticAnalysis in Block: [ :ex | ...
>> BlockClosure>>cull:
>> [ self exceptionHandlerBlock cull: exception ] in Context>>handleSignal: in 
>> Block: [ self exceptionHandlerBlock cull: exception ]
>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>> Context>>handleSignal:
>> OCSemanticError(Exception)>>signal
>> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>storeIntoSpecialVariable:
>> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>lookupVariableForWrite:
>> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>visitAssignmentNode:
>> RBAssignmentNode>>acceptVisitor:
>> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer(RBProgramNodeVisitor)>>visitNode:
>> [ :each | self visitNode: each ] in 
>> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>visitSequenceNode: in Block: [ :each | self 
>> visitNode: each ]
>> OrderedCollection>>do:
>> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>visitSequenceNode:
>> RBSequenceNode>>acceptVisitor:
>> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer(RBProgramNodeVisitor)>>visitNode:
>> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>visitMethodNode:
>> RBMethodNode>>acceptVisitor:
>> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer(RBProgramNodeVisitor)>>visitNode:
>> OCASTSemanticAnalyzer>>analyze:
>> RBMethodNode>>doSemanticAnalysis
>> RBMethodNode>>doSemanticAnalysisInContext:
>> [ ast doSemanticAnalysisInContext: self compilationContext ] in 
>> OpalCompiler>>doSemanticAnalysis in Block: [ ast 
>> doSemanticAnalysisInContext: self compilatio...etc...
>> BlockClosure>>on:do:
>> OpalCompiler>>doSemanticAnalysis
>> [ 
>> ast := self parse.
>> self doSemanticAnalysis ] in [ 
>> [ 
>> ast := self parse.
>> self doSemanticAnalysis ]
>>      on: OCSourceCodeChanged
>>      do: [ :notification | 
>>              self source: notification newSourceCode.
>>              notification retry ].
>> cm := ast generate: self compilationContext compiledMethodTrailer ] in 
>> OpalCompiler>>compile in Block: [ ...
>> BlockClosure>>on:do:
>> [ 
>> [ 
>> ast := self parse.
>> self doSemanticAnalysis ]
>>      on: OCSourceCodeChanged
>>      do: [ :notification | 
>>              self source: notification newSourceCode.
>>              notification retry ].
>> cm := ast generate: self compilationContext compiledMethodTrailer ] in 
>> OpalCompiler>>compile in Block: [ ...
>> Got startup errors: 
>>     SyntaxErrorNotification: Cannot store into
>> Cheers
>> Uko

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