On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 11:03 PM, Alain Rastoul <alf.mmm....@gmail.com>

> Le 03/10/2014 22:10, stepharo a écrit :
> Hi Stef,
> I like your metaphor , and yes, I really hope to share my personal soup
> with Pharo community asap. A soup about databases, json, streaming/map
> reduce stuff I've been thinking (and still thinking) for a while now. All
> of that still in an alpha or infancy step now, but I'm working hard on that
> (big problem for me is time - I'm greedy on that, plus lot of stress at
> work).
> btw, I'm confident about Pharo technology, spur and 64 bits,  and it is a
> great move forward :).
> May be I'll fail -it would not be the first time- but anyway, if I can
> contribute with Pharo (bugs, doc or whatever is accessible to me), I will.
> Just because I prefer Pharo over dotNet or Java
>  :)

I've stopped doing Java and made a decision to do Pharo. It is a business
bet, we'll see how it unfolds. (Not going bad at the moment, it pays all of
the bills for a couple months).


> Regards,
> Alain
>  Thanks alain.
>> Here is my metaphor: I help myself and share my "soup of stones" with
>> people that want to improve our soup of stones.
>> At the end our soup may be great.
>> Another way to present my metaphor is: "focus on what you need and
>> change the system (and send us fixes/enhancements) on what you need.
>> Because if you do not do it, then why a guy not needing it would need to
>> spend time."
>> ah to grow the market.... well Spur, 64 bits, better FFI, decent events,
>> automated build for VM and many many other things are already in the
>> pipeline and
>> (none of them is about research :) you can trust me on that
>> Stef

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