Hi Thierry,

On 10/9/2014 4:52 PM, Thierry Goubier wrote:
> I'm currently on a medium to long term quest to learn in depth / maybe 
> improve the AST automatic generation in SmaCC;
> it should give me a core foundation (a common API for the ASTs for all 
> langages that SmaCC can parse) to build upon
> interactive visualisations IDEs for the programming languages I'm getting 
> involved in: yesterday C, now R, tomorrow (I
> hope) Fortran and Python. But this is more about static analysis than runtime 
> behavior analysis, unless I turn to
> VectorFabrics underlying tech... Hum, this one is ... interesting. It opens 
> new ideas. Thanks a lot, this is really
> great!
> Thierry

By coincidence (or maybe not :) ), I have also fiddled with SmaCC (and, funny 
thing, I am also interested in static
analysis :) ). I ported it to VisualAge, maybe we should exchange notes. I am 
still not happy with the result, for the
previous version I had optimized it to use a VA-specific primitive 
(Character>>testBit: - very useful little primitive,
the VA scanner also uses it (I suspect they implemented it specifically for 
that)) instead of is... methods, and I did
not get to do it yet for the current version. This is actually not just an 
optimization, I consider it a bug-fix as well
- one cannot rely on every method in Character that happens to start with "is" 
to be fast. Plus you don't know in which
environment you are using SmaCC and what kind of extensions people have 
implemented there. I know that I hit some really
bad such methods (now I don't remember if it was ours or some third-party 
extension). Plus, you are generating a parser
that relies on methods that may not be there at runtime.

Anyway, I also have some ideas for what I think would be some improvements for 
SmaCC. Too many ideas, too little time (:


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