On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 04:19:20PM +0100, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
> > On 27 Nov 2014, at 16:05, Levente Uzonyi <le...@elte.hu> wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 27 Nov 2014, Noury Bouraqadi wrote:
> > 
> >> SmalltalkHub is slow, so don?t click too fast :-(
> >> 
> >> While I?m grateful to developers of SmalltalkHub and previously 
> >> SqueakSource, I believe as a small community, we cannot afford developing 
> >> everything by ourselves. We don?t have enough man-power. We can see the 
> >> symptoms since SmalltalkHub is in beta stage since way too long...
> > 
> > People on this list used to say the same about squeaksource.com. But it
> > has been working flawlessly since it got updated to the latest version
> > (which implies that a few bugs got fixed).
> > 
> > What makes you think that tracking down the bugs in SmalltalkHub and fixing 
> > them wouldn't be enough?
> > 
> > Based on my experience a single image - running well designed software - is 
> > able to serve about ten million requests a day. I think that the actual 
> > load on smalltalkhub.com is about three magnitudes lower than that.
> because:
> 1) the reason why squeaksource survived is because there is an smalltalkhub 
> absorbing most of the packages. 

No. The reason that squeaksource.com survived is that someone decided to put
effort into maintaining it.

The same will be true for SmalltalkHub. If you decide to make it work, then
you will succeed. If you decide that it is not worth the effort, then it will


> 2) I never say it was not possible to keep it running. I said it does not 
> worth the effort, which is a complete different thing. Of course, if someone 
> wants to take smalltalkhub (there is even a configuration for it) and fix the 
> problems that emerge, I will be more than happy to update the production 
> image. 
> Esteban
> > 
> > Levente
> > 
> >> 
> >> It?s better to use some mainstream platform such as github.
> >> We?ll we have support for it in Pharo 4?
> >> 
> >> It would be interesting also from the communication point of view to make 
> >> the world a little bit more aware of Pharo.
> >> 
> >> Noury

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