Thank's Dale and Esteban for explanation

2014-11-30 18:58 GMT+03:00 Dale Henrichs <>:

> Actually, SS3 and smalltalkhub appeared about the same time. Tobias Pape
> had been slowly improving the GemStone version of SqueakSource3 and I got
> tired of waiting 2-3 days for SqueakSource to come back from a crash, so I
> pushed SS3 up as an Alpha to get something up that was more stable than
> SqueakSource. About the same time, SmalltalkHub was made available and I
> didn't want to compete with SmalltalkHub and at the time it seemed to have
> potential, so I backed off on my plans to go beyond the Alpha release of
> SS3. There were several sets of known bugs and performance issues ... but
> it was and still is Alpha and was never intended to go into production.
> After several months of development, SmalltalkHub had not quite made it to
> be production ready and Stef asked me to start backing up SS3 so that it
> could be used for production apps ... I reluctantly agreed, because at the
> time SqueakSource was very unstable and something was needed ...
> Unfortunately the time window for me to have time to devote time to SS3
> had passed and Tobias was busy with his work as well.
> And it took longer than originally anticipated for SmalltalkHub to be
> ready for prime time.
> Tobias has continued to work on the SqueakSource3 code base and bring it
> way beyond the Alpha version that is in production. The folks at Hasso
> Plattner  Institute are using Tobias' SqueakSource3 in production for their
> Smalltalk repos.
> But it seemed to not be worth the effort to try to compete with
> SmalltalkHub ... the original intent of SS3 being brought into production
> was to be a stopgap measure until SmalltalkHub was ready...
> Today, I am using GitHub for all of my projects ([1], [2], [3], and [4])
> so again I just don't have the time to devote to SS3 to incorporate the
> improvements that Tobias has had (for years now) ....
> Neither SqueakSource3 nor SmalltalkHub comes close to the collaborative
> feature set of GitHub and I personally would rather devote my own time and
> effort to new Smalltalk projects than trying to duplicate GitHub in
> Smalltalk.
> We continue to host SS3, with all of its Alpha warts because is very
> stable and a number of folks use it on a daily basis...
> Dale
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 4:41 AM, Denis Kudriashov <>
> wrote:
>> 2014-11-27 18:01 GMT+03:00 Esteban Lorenzano <>:
>>> btw… historic reference: sthub was never intended to be there for stay.
>>> I remember talking  about it with Nico and Stef, more than two years ago,
>>> before sthub came online,  and our conclusion at the time was: “yes, the
>>> future it will be git, but until we get there, let’s put sthub online
>>> because sqsource cannot handle more projects"
>> And why you not choose squeaksource3 which maintained by gemstone team
>> and includes all features from old squeaksource? Why you instead develop
>> sthub if you not believe in it?

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