
"We started late.  We had tools reasonably suited for our needs which we
were comfortable with.  I think/hope that once libgit is "released" in
Pharo and the wider community becomes more familiar with it, it stimulates
us to develop tools to rival the others.  Tools that non-Smalltalkers also
find useful, and when they want to add a feature, they are motivated to
learn Pharo.  I think this is a small additional benefit of tighter
integration of git in Pharo.

cheers -ben"

Even if Smalltalkhub improves and solves these problems, Github will still
run circles around it. Sure some pharoers want to stick inside the image
because they want to avoid the pain to learn something new or because hey
aspire of all inclusive smalltalk enviroment. But I dont want to be like
the kid that press his face on the windows of a candy store, salivating for
the candy I cannot have. There is a lot of cool technology around us really
great and it will be a pity if Pharo does not take advantage of it. Git and
Github is only a small part of the story.

My belief and this is a belief I put in practice with my project Ephestos
is that Pharo can be an excellent candidate as a glue enviroment , an
enviroment that can bring all modern very powerful technologies together. I
find a pharo enviroment that allows me to control the outside software with
ease far more tempting than a Pharo enviroment that allow me to control
with ease only itself. For me this is also what made Python so popular as a

We all have seen the 80s drawing with the baloon leaving the island but
even in 2014 even Pharo feels like an island some times.  Fortunately this
changes and we see more and more a more modern smalltalk and a more modern
Pharo. I believe in Pharo and in its success and this is why I love
contribute to it.

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