"So I am not the only one grumbling about the scrolling in lists.
My suggestion was to use paging for this purpose.

See the discussion here on moose-list.




I cannot understand your problem and your solution to it. I am afraid I am
not familiar with the library you use or with GTInspector. If I could
assume I would say you dont like the continuous scroll solution currently
implemented in GTInspector but that is not my problem.

My problem is that next 50 items icon button disappears each time I press
it and for me that makes no sense. Without changing the current
implementation at a fundamental level the button should be always visible
and allow you to press it multiple times and send you to the last first of
50. So if I press it lets say 4 times, it will be nice if it would send the
cursor of the list display to the item 200 and the list be able to scroll
down to 250 assuming that the list was already at cursor 1 displaying 50

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