Now as I always say: do and build trust.
Our plates are full but there are plenty to empty plates around.


Le 3/1/15 03:07, Krishsmalltalk a écrit :

From a wide survey done for Openstack:

"the top four business drivers, according to the user survery, were *Ability to Innovate, Open Technology, Cost Savings and Avoiding Vendor Lock-In.* Ability to innovate is ranked first"

This message can be showcased in examples of Pharo deployments and direct user reports.

Sudhakar krishnamachari

On Jan 2, 2015, at 11:48 AM, S Krish < <>> wrote:

*Wishes for a great new year for Pharo.. !..*

Subjective topics are the easiest to waste one's effort on, though are essential in their own way, if we restrain ourselves. Pharo to me is headed in the right direction with the right evangelists at its core. There should not be a dilution to it in any pursuit.

a) PR and spreading the awareness is important to a pursuit of increasing usage of the technology but not essential.

b) For a software platform ( again I say Pharo / Smalltalk is a platform not a langauge ), it is question of :

Success is not from Pharo Platform per se but from its*usable frameworks:*

* Seek success organically, evolve to be the best fit for enterprise programming, this can be through any of Seaside, Teapot+Zn, Glamour toolkit, Jun, Open CL/R other interfaces, R Pi custom OS, etc.. or as in mega framework like OpenStack in Pharo weaving in existing elements of the mega framework for now.. et als. Make the framework use simple, scalable, flexible that it is viral in its growth for the programmers.

* Small business application ( not helloworld ) should be say a 1-3 hr work with documentation given. Rails promised that hiding its complexity to user discovery but by then the user is hooked on enough to provide his inputs / improve the framework. I liked the Teapot, Amber need to push more around that kernel to make it scale upto creating a full application framework deployable in 3 hrs.

*Pharo Platform:*

* The platform offers stable and guaranteed behavior across fundamentals of operations (all of CPU/ Mem/ OS resource use et als ), security specially that ensures programmers can easily convince the CEO/CTO's to allow their pet projects to be integrated. Gaps will exist and programmers will fulfill it and grow the frameworks. Make the users feel as both "winners" and "owners" in using the frameworks. Yes we need visionaries to lead those frameworks.

* Make it as modular as possible to be able to use it just plain commandline, with or without UI and its varied tools but with any of the packages with dependencies that are well structured and easily updateable.

* The platform if it targets the enterprise will have to target enterprise interfaces viz: DBMS, MQ, WS , deployment through easy integration with Apache webserver or other common platforms. This is an incremental goal driven by state of Pharo now and overal ecosystem of its platform progressing together.


* Seek to push what you have to others through PR, at best this can only be adjunct to the above, will probably yield some benefit but will not be the raison-de-etre of the success of a product. Infact one part of PR I believe works ( not something many intellectuals prefer) create sub-forums/ sub-committees and make more and more people be part of it.

* I would much rather prefer having a website that showcases each enterprise use like in Seaside the web application framework. But what the seaside site lacks is a complete brief on deploying a web app end to end with DBMS integration, easy css, js, et als integrated in 1 - 3 hrs, fairly customized to my first prototype I require. Similar focussed sites should exist that can be simple 1-2-3 instruction for the helloworld and scale up quickly within a day to a workable app customized for requirement. Most important leverage as much of pre-existing skills as in HTML, CSS, JS, MQ, DBMS, ORM et als.. rather than create a new learning curve of the developer. The kernel should be a killer feature as in Seaside/ Teapot but they need to keep the continuum.. while taking the high ground

Let me put my hands on some of these efforts and then talk more. I am greatly interested in pushing Pharo to enterprise use atleast for a personal pursuit, let this new year resolution be to see that happens before the year runs out.

On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 10:01 AM, horrido < <>> wrote:

    Smalltalk isn't the ultimate language for me, either. I happen to
    like Go a
    lot. And it's conceivable that someone may come up with another
    truly great
    programming language in the future.

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