Cyril Ferlicot <> writes:

> On 31 March 2015 at 17:22, Damien Cassou <> wrote:
>> Ben Coman <> writes:
>> > Regarding Windows... Last that I looked, the PharoLauncher image is
>> > installed into the "Program Files" System Folder.  This causes a problem
>> > since when a PharoLauncher Image is saved by a Standard User, they cannot
>> > write to the System Folder so Windows *fakes* it and actually writes to a
>> > User Fodler, but makes it look like the file is in the System Folder.
>> That
>> > is, the Standard User is looking at a Fake System Folder!!
>> that's very strange. Can someone please evaluate this expression on your
>> Windows box and give us the result?
>>     PlatformResolver forCurrentPlatform cache

> File @ C:\Users\Cyril\AddData\Roaming

looks good to me. So, I don't understand Ben's problem.

>> > This confused me for quite a while - even as an IT Administrator of 15
>> > years.  Its likely to cause chaos and pain for others down the track. So
>> I
>> > recommend that the installer be changed so that the PharoLauncher Image
>> is
>> > installed into a User Folder - at least by default, and maybe as the only
>> > option.
>> I disagree. The launcher should be installed with other applications.
>> But the data is per-user. On Ubuntu, the launcher is happily installed
>> under /usr/share/pharo-launcher and images are download to
>> ~/.cache/Pharo/images.
>> > I had meant to fix this in PharoLauncher myself, and also would offer to
>> > test it - but unfortunately I currently don't have access to a Windows
>> > machine.
>> I hope someone else will try
>> --
>> Damien Cassou
>> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
>> losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

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