Hi! We're sending this automatic email twice a month, to give the community an 
opportunity to easily know what's happening and to coordinate efforts.  Just 
answer informally, and feel free to spawn discussions thereafter!

### Here's what I've been up to since the last WhatsUp:

- Lectures at Montpellier
- Advanced Design Lectures at Lviv
- Teaching handson with Pharo at Inria
- Advanced Design to Inria engineers
- Sent tinychat article to linux mag
    (currently translating it)
- Pillar ideas
- Mooc brainstorming
### What's next, until 2015-04-30 (*):


Resuming work around Pharo
    - spec cleaning
    - hacking with guille on bootstrap for Pharo 50
    - cleaning
    - Mooc brainstorming continued

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