Could JB describe the problem with Metacello? Perhaps there is a workaround.


On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 3:27 PM, stepharo <> wrote:

>  Hi phil
>>> just that you know what we are doing
>>>      - Mathieu Lacatou an intern from Thales should be visiting the team
>>> for
>>> 10 days to pair program with esteban
>>>      about the OSWindow multi-windowing support
>>>      - JB and Merwan are extending the OSWindow touch support, like
>>> generating scroll events
>>>      - JB is working on Woden and adding some shadders for 3D demoes.
>> I will have a new guy from Senegal starting to work tomorrow in my lab
>> on using GPU and Wooden for doing SPH&epidemiological modeling.
>> How to coordinate all these activities ?
> Cool :)
> I do not know
> For now he should have a look at Woden, JB  planned to make a CI.
> But he was blocked because of a bug in the old version of Metacello that
> we use.
> So as soon as Metacello is updated, JB can continue his build.
> Stef


"Every thing has its own flow"

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