Dmitri Zagidulin <> writes:

> * Extend Pillar. With a few more features, it can be on par with
> Markdown and Asciidoc, and then eventually surpass it (and have nice
> Pharo-specific features like detection and unit-testing of Pharo code
> blocks, etc).

could you please add missing features to!/~Pier/Pillar

> * Invest in instant-preview tech, in-image.

we have this prototype already:

But its author waits for TxText and Athens before investing more of his

> This is similar to what PillarHub does, for example, by using the Ace
> online editor. Take a look at the first screenshot in:
> Side-by-side
> instant preview makes it possible to have the best of both worlds,
> text-based markup and WYSIWYG, without the typical WYSIWYG drawbacks
> (of making distributed version control difficult, first and foremost).

what I don't like about WYSIWYG word processors is that they hide the
content. I want to control my content. I want to immediately see if a
line is a section title (semantically) or if it's just bold and huge. I
want to immediately see if a section title is automatically numbered or
if the number was written manually.

> 3) The convenience of WYSIWYG can be provided with side-by-side instant
> preview (again, see PillarHub and the numerous WYSIWYG instant-previews in
> Markdown editors).

Luc improved the pillar plugin for TextMate so that it has instant
preview too.

> And actually, the WYSIWYG approach is much closer to HTML 1.0 (in the sense
> that, users have to indicate *semantic* intentions like emphasis by
> selecting different fonts, versus something like HTML 4/5, where the actual
> intention is declared (EMPH tags, QUOTE tags, etc).

I agree that this is a very important point.

> - Asciidoc has the ability to do file imports (compose a larger document
> out of smaller docs)

Cyril implemented that in Pillar last week.

> * Links. Asciidoc has semantic links both within a document, and across
> different Asciidoc documents (references to chapters, sections, etc).
> Pillar has within-document links, and inter-doc links are on the roadmap.

Cyril has to revise that part.

> * The ability to drop down to a more expressive markup (LaTeX or HTML). For
> heavier-duty features like formulas and equations, all of the simple markup
> languages allow the author to drop down to LaTeX and lay out formulas to
> their heart's content.

this is on Pillar roadmap as well:!/~Pier/Pillar

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

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