I agree with you. Github should definitely not be the unique place for code. 
But we should be able to have code there at a low cost.

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

> On Oct 22, 2015, at 12:57 PM, Andreas Wacknitz <a.wackn...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Am 22.10.15 um 17:30 schrieb monty:
>> Github is a private VC funded company that we don't own that tomorrow could 
>> go away or adopt policies harmful to us. If Ruby can have rubygems.org (and 
>> if Steph can continue to get funding from INRIA/ESUG), then why can't we 
>> have something like STHub that's ours?
> +1
> Github may be hip today but can be outdated in a few years. If Smalltalk 
> would have chosen a version management technology
> that was en vogue in the 80s where would it be now? Does anybody even 
> remember one of those from then?
> Having nice github integration (or whatever might be the technology of the 
> day) is one thing, completely relying on it is something
> different.

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