Hi Stef,

from past discussions/threads I know "Bloc" as Pharo's possible future UI, 
watched the video [1] and have played with the premade 
image from the CI Server. Also the Brick layer (which is on top of Bloc) was 
announced as a preview once [2].

Now in some of the mails it was mentioned that there will be or already is a 
"Bloc 2" (see [3]). Can you or the person
working on it summarize:

 - who works on it
 - what are the goals, what will be included (like the CSS styling)
 - where it is hosted
 - what the status is
 - if there is already a CI build or preview
 - how Brick will relate to "Bloc 2", will there be a "Brick 2" as well?
 - if it will work with Spec

Even if not all could be answered (yet) more informations on "Bloc 2" would 
really be nice, ideally as a 
status summary to the community.


[1] https://vimeo.com/115336678
[2] http://gtoolkit.org/brick/

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