On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 6:58 PM, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi Stef,
> from past discussions/threads I know "Bloc" as Pharo's possible future UI, 
> watched the video [1] and have played with the premade
> image from the CI Server. Also the Brick layer (which is on top of Bloc) was 
> announced as a preview once [2].
> Now in some of the mails it was mentioned that there will be or already is a 
> "Bloc 2" (see [3]). Can you or the person
> working on it summarize:
>  - who works on it
>  - what are the goals, what will be included (like the CSS styling)
>  - where it is hosted
>  - what the status is
>  - if there is already a CI build or preview
>  - how Brick will relate to "Bloc 2", will there be a "Brick 2" as well?
>  - if it will work with Spec
> Even if not all could be answered (yet) more informations on "Bloc 2" would 
> really be nice, ideally as a
> status summary to the community.
> Thanks
> T.
> [1] https://vimeo.com/115336678
> [2] http://gtoolkit.org/brick/
> [3] 
> http://lists.pharo.org/pipermail/pharo-dev_lists.pharo.org/2016-August/123115.html

You read my thoughts Torsten.  It would seem something has been learnt
from Bloc 1 to necessitate a change in direction.  This would be
interesting to know, as well as the plan for the new architecture.

I don't know what is the funding arrangements are to develop Bloc 2.
If its mostly someone's free time then maybe we can't put too much
demands on status report.  However since Bloc will become a core part
of Pharo, perhaps it is worthwhile for the Pharo Association (or other
body) to fund such a status report for the community.  A detailed
forward plan may have the side effect to encourage participation.

cheers -ben

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