Le 16/9/16 à 21:58, Damien Pollet a écrit :
On 16 September 2016 at 20:42, stepharo <steph...@free.fr <mailto:steph...@free.fr>> wrote:

    Daemons of over-engineering are tempting us because this is cooler
    to to design something complex.

Dreaming of crazy features is a good thing. Talking from experience, I prefer that to not dreaming, which is pretty dull.

Yes now create a thread:
the dreams for a cool documentation system in Pharo and I will follow and add to it happily, What I was asking in this thread is how can we catch a low hanging fruit and get an immmediate impact because it looks
so easy to do.


And over-engineering is of course the wrong path. But the temptation to do so is revealing of where the system is too complex.

Damien Pollet
type less, do more [ | ] http://people.untyped.org/damien.pollet

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