On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 3:41 PM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:

> Hi Clement,
> Thanks for raising this question.
> In short, Sparta is inspired from Athens and it has a similar structure.
> So, there is an in-image interface of the canvas, and there is a concrete
> implementation through the plugin (based on Moz2D). To target a completely
> in-image rendering, it is certainly possible to implement a BitBlt backend
> of the Sparta canvas. To implement this part, we would need help.
> The goal is indeed to have only one canvas in the default Pharo
> distribution: Sparta. However, this will not happen suddenly. Ideally, when
> Pharo 6 will be released, there will be a beta version of Sparta + Bloc +
> some tools that will be loadable externally. Then my guess is that it will
> still take another year until we get the full development environment
> working on top of Sparta. So, it is to be expected that this transition
> will take at least 1.5 years during which time Athens will still provide
> the option of running on top of BitBlt.
> Does this answer the concern?

It does. I understand a BitBlt back-end is possible to have UI applications
running on a low memory footprint runtime. Now the question the community
should answer is if we want to implement and maintain that back-end or not.

> But, now my question: Would it not be possible to get the VM to not open a
> window when in headless mode?

I would love to see that. It's theoretically possible, it's just a matter
of doing it and integrating it while it's time-consuming. I believe there
was some work in that direction as part of the SDL / OSWindow work.

If the community wants to move to Sparta and does not care if the memory
footprint is increased by 5 Mb for non headless application, it may make
sense to invest in that direction instead of the implementation and
maintenance of a BitBlt based back-end.

> Cheers,
> Doru
> > On Oct 21, 2016, at 2:23 PM, Clément Bera <bera.clem...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 9:07 AM, Aliaksei Syrel <alex.sy...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Stéphane
> >
> > Indeed, build is broken :)
> > Yesterday I took a very brief look at bloc and can confirm that
> development version is loadable in Pharo 6 and is completely Sparta based.
> (all examples work for me)
> >
> > You are right, live environment on embedded systems is great goal to
> achieve. Sparta must not prevent pharo from getting there. It is true that
> plugin is relatively big (windows 7mb, osx 15mb, linux 18mb). However, it
> is all-in-one build and size can be reduced dramatically.
> >
> > As I understand, Pharo for PC should not make any assumptions about
> user's hardware. If gpu accelerated backend can not be used there should be
> still a performant fallback backend which also needs a fallback that is
> guaranteed to work even on Personal Calculators. (Taschenrechner). That is
> why library is so big. For example for mac and windows Sparta is shipped
> with 3 (!) backends that together build fallback chain, for instance on
> windows: direct2d1.1, skia, cairo. Compiling library for mac without Skia
> reduces binary size from 15mb to 10mb. Removing GL package and leaving only
> software backends may reduce size even more.
> >
> > It is a bit different on embedded systems, since hardware configuration
> is already known and there is no need to have so many fallback backends.
> Library itself allows developers to add new exotic backends quite easily.
> >
> > Let's take Pharo6 for mac. It is shipped with the following libs:
> > Cairo (1.4mb) + Pixman (2.8mb) + Freetype (0.8mb) = 5mb
> >
> > Moz2D is self contained and does not require any additional libs.
> > Moz2D = 15mb, Moz2D without Skia = 10mb. Moz2D without Skia and GL = ?
> (estimate around 6-7mb).
> >
> > As you can see we get almost the same numbers :)
> >
> > Yeah but none of the libs (Cairo, Pixman, FreeType) are required to run
> Pharo, they're required only if you use them. I compile VMs without such
> libraires and Pharo works just fine as a development environment and for
> simple things like web servers. The Squeak VM for example have around 2Mb
> footprint in total, including 1Mb for the C runtime (initialized and
> uninitialized data, executable code) and 1 Mb for the machine code zone and
> can run most Pharo features just fine, including for examples web services
> and the IDE.
> >
> > Right now the VM cannot start completely headless, the headless mode
> just hides the main window, so if the main window start-up depends on
> Sparta, it's not possible to run Pharo headless without many Mb of memory
> footprint.
> >
> > Which leads the first question...
> >
> > >> Is it possible to start your Bloc Pharo image on a 2Mb footprint VM ?
> By asking this question, I imply, if there is no
> Cairo/Pixman/FreeType/Sparta plugin, can the image run headless and can it
> run UI applications ?
> >
> > The last problem is that Pharo can currently run UI application like the
> IDE on a 2Mb memory footprint VM. Let's assume Pharo with Bloc/Sparta/etc.
> can be run either headless on a 2Mb memory footprint VM or with a UI on a
> 7Mb+ memory footprint VM. It means now people doing UI would need extra
> memory, for example, in the case of android deployment where the android
> app includes the VM and the image, the app memory consumption at runtime
> would be at least 5Mb bigger.
> >
> > >> Is the community ok with this or will we need to maintain both the
> Sparta back-end and a Bloc to BitBlt back-end as a fall-back to run on
> smaller VMs ?
> >
> >
> > Cheers
> > Alex
> >
> > On Oct 19, 2016 22:16, "stepharo" <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
> > Hi Aliaksei
> >
> > It looks gorgeous.
> > I tried to launch the Bloc image from the CI and it crashes during
> startup on my mac. I reported that to Glenn and Alain but so far I simply
> cannot see Bloc code. Is it working for you? I mean is it me that is using
> the wrong VM.
> >
> > Then I have a question:
> >
> >     - do you think that we can have a fallback in terms of back end for
> the case where we could like to run Pharo on coffee machines but get a live
> environment on such machines? This is related to the discussions we got
> this summer about the memory footprint that Moz2D will put on us.
> >
> > I do not mean that we must have one but I think that this is important
> to check because we can say that Pharo is small but if we need 20 mb
> libraries for rendering there are some cases where this can kill its usage.
> >
> > Stef
> >
> > Le 19/10/16 à 18:06, Aliaksei Syrel a écrit :
> >> Hi
> >>
> >> I am happy to announce the release of Sparta v1.1 for Pharo 6.
> >> https://github.com/syrel/Sparta/tree/v1.1
> >>
> >> It can be bootstrapped with the following script:
> >>
> >> Metacello new
> >>
> >>
> >> baseline: 'Sparta'
> >> ;
> >>
> >> repository: 'github://syrel/sparta:v1.1/src'
> >> ;
> >>
> >> load: #file:core
> >> Examples are on class side of: MozExamples, MozTextExamples
> >> (for linux users: if you use 32bit pharo on 64bit linux, sparta will
> not work, since 32bit plugin depends on 32bit GTK which conflicts with
> 64bit GTK. Either use 32bit linux or 64bit pharo. I tested sparta with
> 64bit vm on mac and linux - it works, but some features fail because FFI is
> not ready)
> >> Release of v1.1 is focused on hardware acceleration, windows support
> and text rendering.
> >> What is new:
> >>  - Default backends on all platforms changed from software to hardware
> accelerated.
> >>  - Now also works on Windows! Default backend is Direct2D for drawings
> and DirectWrite for text. On multi-gpu machines per-app-default setting is
> respected. In case of Nvidia it can be changed in nvidia control panel.
> Sparta is x2 faster on discrete gpu than on integrated one.
> >>  - Added initial text support, for instance rendering and high
> precision measurement.
> >>  - Per-platform settings system is now image based. Allows to
> enable/disable hardware acceleration, change default backends, change
> font-mappings tables.
> >> Some text examples:
> >> (rendering)
> >> <Mail Attachment.png>
> >> (measurement)
> >> <Mail Attachment.png>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Alex
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> www.feenk.com
> "There are no old things, there are only old ways of looking at them."

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