2016-10-20 9:07 GMT+02:00 Aliaksei Syrel <alex.sy...@gmail.com>:

> As I understand, Pharo for PC should not make any assumptions about user's
> hardware. If gpu accelerated backend can not be used there should be still
> a performant fallback backend which also needs a fallback that is
> guaranteed to work even on Personal Calculators. (Taschenrechner). That is
> why library is so big. For example for mac and windows Sparta is shipped
> with 3 (!) backends that together build fallback chain, for instance on
> windows: direct2d1.1, skia, cairo. Compiling library for mac without Skia
> reduces binary size from 15mb to 10mb. Removing GL package and leaving only
> software backends may reduce size even more.
> It is a bit different on embedded systems, since hardware configuration is
> already known and there is no need to have so many fallback backends.
> Library itself allows developers to add new exotic backends quite easily.
> Let's take Pharo6 for mac. It is shipped with the following libs:
> Cairo (1.4mb) + Pixman (2.8mb) + Freetype (0.8mb) = 5mb
> Moz2D is self contained and does not require any additional libs.
> Moz2D = 15mb, Moz2D without Skia = 10mb. Moz2D without Skia and GL = ?
> (estimate around 6-7mb).

Also imaging that we will remove Cairo, Athens, Fonts from image, font
plugin from VM. Also Morphic and old Canvas. I expect Morphic is much
bigger then Bloc. And at some point bitblt stuff from image and VM.
I am sure at the end new clean solutions will provide much lesser image and
VM size.

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