> It's not a problem, it's a dynamics thing. GitHub isn't the same, I
> haven't seen big wikis hosted there for a long time. In the long run
> Pareto appears, and only a fraction of the users create most of the
> content, but it is still useful.
 There is a very good reason for this. The rise of Github pages made it
more polished to display documentation to users. Not only it gives you the
full power of html and js , it also works well with doc string
documentation systems like Sphinx.


Both Squeak and Pharo lack such tools.

Personally I prefer Github pages and doc string system. I am not a fan of
wiki. They end messy and very badly documented. Especially c2 is quite a
mess, probably the worst wiki I have ever seen.

In the end however one uses what one find more suitable to the way he or
she thinks.

But for me having the documentation inside the code instead of separately
plus a nice polished github page to display it is the way I prefer to work
for my projects.

For Pharo, Pillar, plus GitBooks is hard to beat


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