On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 8:18 AM, Andreas Wacknitz <a.wackn...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have convinced a friend to take a closer look at Pharo 1.2.1 and Dolphin
> Smalltalk. He is an experienced Java developer.
> After some time he started to complain about Pharo. I was discussing with
> him and now think that he has some valid points.
> His biggest complaint is: "Why does Pharo always show windows at sizes and
> positions I don't want?"
> I answered him: You could set the standard window size in the class
> RealEstateAgent and furthermore you can create or change >>initialExtent
> methods in every class that is involved.
> But his answer was: Why should I do that? It's the responsibility of an
> IDE. I don't want to program elementary things of my IDE. Why is there no
> mechanism that let a user set the sizes and positions of windows? Netbeans
> and Eclipse are doing that nicely. Why isn't it possible in Pharo?
> After that discussion I now question my own way of using Pharo and Squeak.
> I have created some changesets that I used to file in when using
> a fresh image. But that seems stupid now...
> His second complaint was that he doesn't like the cluttered windows. While
> programming he had a lot of open windows and told me that he lost overview.

This is why I've started TilingWindowManager. Could you friend give some
feedback ?


> Especially in Pharo he is complaining about minimized windows that are hard
> to distinguish. He better likes Dolphin with tabbed windows that are common
> in other IDE's.
> Regards
> Andreas

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