It is certainly a bug ;-)

Strangely, non-empty strings work:

| aStream zipStream |

aStream := ByteArray new writeStream binary.
zipStream := GZipWriteStream on: aStream.
zipStream nextStringPut: '123'. 
zipStream nextStringPut: 'ABC'.
zipStream close.
aStream close.
aStream := aStream contents readStream binary.  
zipStream := GZipReadStream on: aStream.
zipStream nextString. 
zipStream nextString.
zipStream close.
aStream close.

I guess you could add a guard for the #nextInto: message send in 
GZipReadStream>>#nextString when the length is 0. But I haven't tried.


On 08 Dec 2011, at 16:53, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

> no one?  :(
> On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 7:32 AM, Martin Dias <> wrote:
> I forgot to say that I am working on a recent Pharo 1.3.
>  And it is not only GZipWriteStream but also ZipWriteStream  and 
> ZLibWriteStream .
> Martín
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 10:47 AM, Martin Dias <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I get a SubscriptOutOfBounds error when I evaluate:
> | aStream zipStream |
> aStream := ByteArray new writeStream binary.
> zipStream := GZipWriteStream on: aStream.
> zipStream nextStringPut: ''. 
> zipStream nextStringPut: ''.
> zipStream close.
> aStream close.
> aStream := aStream contents readStream binary.        
> zipStream := GZipReadStream on: aStream.
> zipStream nextString. 
> zipStream nextString.
> zipStream close.
> aStream close.
> The error doesn't happen when I put just one string (instead of two). 
> Do you see something wrong in the code? Should I report a bug?
> Thanks,
> Martín
> -- 
> Mariano

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