
> I guess you could add a guard for the #nextInto: message send in
> GZipReadStream>>#nextString when the length is 0. But I haven't tried.
> Sven
I think the problem is that this method supposes n >= 1:

next: n into: buffer startingAt: startIndex
 "Read n objects into the given collection.
Return aCollection or a partial copy if less than
 n elements have been read."
| c numRead count |
numRead := 0.
 ["Force decompression if necessary"
(c := self next) == nil
 ifTrue:[^buffer copyFrom: 1 to: startIndex+numRead-1].
"Store the first value which provoked decompression"
 buffer at: startIndex + numRead put: c.
numRead := numRead + 1.
"After collection has been filled copy as many objects as possible"
 count := (readLimit - position) min: (n - numRead).
replaceFrom: startIndex + numRead
 to: startIndex + numRead + count - 1
with: collection
startingAt: position+1.
 position := position + count.
numRead := numRead + count.
numRead = n] whileFalse.


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