On 1/31/12 9:03 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:
On 31 January 2012 14:57, dimitris chloupis<theki...@yahoo.co.uk>  wrote:
Is there any documentation anywhere even partial for NBOpenGL that I can use
? (google does not return anything )

since it is a direct binding to opengl, do not expect any documentation on it.
it is assumed that if you know opengl, you should be capable of doing
the rest by yourself :)

maybe context handling/initialization part needs some documenting..
but not that much.
since using FFI you can directly interact with OS and other OS-specific stuff,
anyone could actually do it in own whay (an opengl context creation),
while then use the NBOpenGL for rendering.

Well, there are a few quirks with using it in Morphs that are specific to Squeak and Pharo, and there are differences between Squeak AND Pharo that one needs to know about if one wants the best possible framerate for each, etc.

Also, how to fully integrate the World morph so that it renders into an OpenGL window as efficiently as possible is still not totally clear to me, even after your last email...

But those are things that will get resolved as time goes on and can be put into class examples and a help manual...

And of course, into one or more video tutorials. ;-)


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