On 13 February 2012 18:59, Guido Stepken <gstep...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Am 13.02.2012 18:17 schrieb "Igor Stasenko" <siguc...@gmail.com>:
>> How about *real* and *direct* load on a sport car? Ever tried to haul
>> fuel cistern with it?
>> How fast it goes?
>> The answer to your issue is just one: use proper tools for solving
>> your problems.
> Do the right things, make Pharo, Seaside *usable*
Seaside is separate project. It runs on multiple smalltalk dialects.
Now if you think that something in Pharo makes it slow or unusable,
feel free to identify and point out on problem,
open issue, report bugs, contribute fixes.

> Look at:
> http://www.cyberport.de/notebook-und-tablet/notebook-berater/erweiterte-suche/liste.html
> Selecting notebooks by price, endurance, weight, with sliders. I could sell
> *hundreds* of those shops to customers, big companies, hosting inclusive for
> 20.000 each.

And? Clicking on slider on that site takes 5 seconds for page to refresh.
Welcome to *real* world.

> Pharo/Seaside *is* the right tool if YOU WOULD DO THE RIGHT THINGS, not just
> bothering some class structure deep in Pharo.
> Pharo hangs even at *directly* serving static pages at low loads. I hoped to
> see significant speedups due to lack of any 3/4/5 tier middleware with being
> everything done within one VM. Database, delivery, ...
You lost me.

VM is not Seaside.
Not a database.
Not a web server.
And finally, not a notebook selling portal.
VM is general-purpose virtual machine. And it will always lose to
specialized software which
were originally designed for serving web under high loads.

So, again use right tools for your needs.

And good luck with waiting till 'speedups' will magically happen while
keeping trolling.

> I am still disappointed. Welcome in the *real world*. Doing academic
> brainfuck is not sufficient. So are your etats for developing Pharo, near
> ZERO. Start thinking like business men! Listen to that, what customers want!

> tnx 4 understanding, Guido Stepken

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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