On 28/02/12 14:05, Igor Stasenko wrote:
On 28 February 2012 10:38, Norbert Hartl<norb...@hartl.name>  wrote:

Am 28.02.2012 um 10:13 schrieb Göran Krampe:

Hi folks!

Nicolas will of course reply - I think he was planning to write a post the 
other day but might have forgotten - but I can chip in some info:

SmalltalkHub has gone through some technical evolution which has taken some 
time. Especially various persistence schemes were tested and most of them ended 
up problematic, Nicolas tested a LOT of variations I think.

The latest stack looks very promising though - and the reason I can describe it 
is because I am trying to help out a bit with it - though haven't had much time 

The client is a full Amber app built with Bootstrap 2 from Twitter. It is very 
nice looking and responsive. It communicates with the backend using plain 
jQuery REST.

The server side is built with Seaside-REST which then uses a domain model 
described with Magritte 3 (Nicolas just switched) which is persisted using 
RiakDocument + Phriak for persistency. An interesting twist here is that 
Magritte is being used to produce the JSON RiakDocuments to store.

End result? A very strong and interesting architecture and the performance 
looks outstanding so far. Riak also buys us really strong robustness since it 
has redundancy built in.

All questions regarding availability, time schedule etc I will leave for 
Nicolas to answer. :)

Sounds good. I work with Seaside-Rest and Magritte3 on a daily base. This time 
with MongoDB using MongoTalk. So I'm quite confident that the choice of the 
stack is superb :) I decided to use MongoDB because it did not want to be 
content agnostic. My client approach however is the opposite using seaside with 
jquery extension. Using amber with Rest style access is surely the better 
approach for a site like SmallHub.
What puzzles me is what RiakDocument is doing in this mix. Is it published 

i think it just a json with data, which riak server can swallow :)

Exactly, it's a tiny layer on top of Riak that uses Magritte descriptions to produce JSON, validates it, and makes link walking, etc easier.



Nicolas Petton

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