On 10 January 2013 08:17, Damien Cassou <damien.cas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 12:30 AM, aizcorbe
> <juansebastian.aizco...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have taken a look to pharo 2.0 and i didn't see omnibrowser there, is it
>> going to be kept? Anyway the available smalllint implementation can be
>> modified to let it check traits, but without all the omnibrowser extension.
>> Btw... there are 14 smalllint traits rules implemented, including unit
>> tests, but in the thesis there are identified a total of 36 traits errors,
>> just in case someone what to take a look or implement them.
> we don't plan to include omnibrowser in Pharo 2 as nobody is
> maintaining it and we have Nautilus now. Still, we would be interested
> in your rules and their integration inside Nautilus (there shouldn't
> be too many things to change)

The lint rules ought to be in a separate package so that both
OmniBrowser and Nautilus folk could use and improve the same set of
rules, shouldn't they? Each could have their own package hooking the
rules up to the relevant UIs, of course.


>> btw2... On my experience working with pharo and traits, i had many problems
>> because it was usual to get errors on browsers, environments and others
>> because they didn't handled traits properly.  I think it would be nice if
>> the environment tools didn't differenciate (whenever it makes sense) between
>> classes and traits.  In my thesis I propose the idea of behavior (since both
>> define behavior) as a unifying entity for traits and classes.  In this way,
>> the environment tools would handle behaviors instead of just classes.
> I agree with you, a lot of work has to be done so that developers can
> play with traits nicely.
> Thank you for your work and thesism I'm looking forward to read it
> --
> Damien Cassou
> http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
> losing enthusiasm."
> Winston Churchill

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