
I'm studying right now choose…
So I think that I will add a method add: value: to the instance side to see how 
it look like.


chooseFrom: aList lines: linesArray title: queryString
        "Choose an item from the given list. Answer the index of the selected 
                chooseFrom: #('Hello' 'Pharoers' 'Here' 'We' 'Go')
                lines: #(2 4)
                title: 'What''s up?'"
        | menu result |
        (ProvideAnswerNotification signal: queryString) ifNotNil:[:answer | 
                1 to: aList size do:[:i| (aList at: i) = answer ifTrue:[^i]].
        result := 0.
        menu := self new.
        menu addTitle: queryString.
        1 to: aList size do:[:i| 
                menu add: (aList at: i) asString target: [:v| result := v] 
selector: #value: argument: i.
                (linesArray includes: i) ifTrue: [menu addLine]].
        menu invokeAt: ActiveHand position in: ActiveWorld allowKeyboard: true.

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