The problem is that selectedValue will not work on other menuItem :)
So I'm playing with something like that.

        "Set the size of the FFT used for frequency analysis."

        | aMenu sz on |
        aMenu := MenuMorph new title: ('FFT size (currently {1})' translated 
format:{fft n}).
        ((7 to: 10) collect: [:n | 2 raisedTo: n]) do: [ :r | aMenu add: r 
printString value: r].
        sz := (aMenu invokeAt: World activeHand position in: World 
allowKeyboard: true) selectedValue.
        sz ifNil: [^ self].
        on := soundInput isRecording.
        self stop.
        fft := FFT new: sz.
        self resetDisplay.
        on ifTrue: [self start].

it means that probably we should rethink the protocol between the menu and the 

I do not like my code. Especially that line above.
Now going to sleep in this freezing time.

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