I should probably redefine

invokeWithEvent: evt
        "Perform the action associated with the given menu item."

        | w |
        self isEnabled ifFalse: [^ self].
        target class == HandMorph ifTrue: [(self notObsolete) ifFalse: [^ 
        owner ifNotNil:[self isStayUpItem ifFalse:[
                self flag: #workAround. "The tile system invokes menus 
straightforwardly so the menu might not be in the world."
                (w := self world) ifNotNil:[
                        owner deleteIfPopUp: evt.
                        "Repair damage before invoking the action for better 
                        w displayWorldSafely]]].
        selector ifNil:[^self].
        Cursor normal showWhile: [ | selArgCount |  "show cursor in case item 
opens a new MVC window"
                (selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0
                                [target perform: selector]
                                [selArgCount = arguments size
                                        ifTrue: [target perform: selector 
withArguments: arguments]
                                        ifFalse: [target perform: selector 
withArguments: (arguments copyWith: evt)]].
                self changed].

On Mar 11, 2013, at 10:06 PM, stephane ducasse <stephane.duca...@free.fr> wrote:

> Now I have the problem that I do not know how to get the value from the menu 
> and not the menu item morph
> setFFTSize
>       "Set the size of the FFT used for frequency analysis."
>       | aMenu sz on |
>       aMenu := MenuMorph new title: ('FFT size (currently {1})' translated 
> format:{fft n}).
>       ((7 to: 10) collect: [:n | 2 raisedTo: n]) do: [ :r | aMenu add: r 
> printString value: r].
>       sz := aMenu xxxxxxx
>       sz ifNil: [^ self].
>       on := soundInput isRecording.
>       self stop.
>       fft := FFT new: sz.
>       self resetDisplay.
>       on ifTrue: [self start].
> do you have an idea?
> Stef

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