
On Nov 12, 2013, at 4:39 PM, Johan Fabry <jfa...@dcc.uchile.cl> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am preparing slides for a course. I came to the typical:
> Number subclass: #Complex
>  instanceVariableNames: 'real imaginary'
>  classVariableNames: ''
>  poolDictionaries: ''
>  category: 'ComplexNumbers'
> Which made me think: Who uses poolDictionaries? I suspect extremely few of 
> us. 
> Why not add this to Class:
> Class>>subclass: aSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNames 
> classVariableNames: classVarNames  category: aSymbol
> ^self  subclass: aSymbol
>  instanceVariableNames: instVarNames
>  classVariableNames: classVarNames
>  poolDictionaries: ''
>  category: aSymbol
> And have the new class template as follows?
> Object subclass: #NameOfSubclass
>       instanceVariableNames: ''
>       classVariableNames: ''
>       category: 'Kernel-Classes'
> It would be a bit cleaner. I know us old timers don't even see the  
> poolDictionaries: line anymore, but I dislike having to explain it to 
> students.
> Greetings,
> ---> Save our in-boxes! http://emailcharter.org <---
> Johan Fabry   -   http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
> PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

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