
And the more I use Pharo, the more I am looking into tests (especially
"Debug Test" to understand how things do work) and writing tests first.

That's not a natural thing to do in other environments but feels so great
to do in Pharo.

(Writing this after having looked at a ton of Seaside and Magritte tests
:-) ).

The image isn't regular when it comes to tests with some things being
Tests-XXX at the end and KernelTests-XXX for example.

And for my project I do have Project-Tests-XXX which keeps them close to
the project categories (otherwise, I have to scroll too much [groups:
good!]). It also helps to put everything in a single Project-XXX package
when needed (which happened).

BTW, how can one use the "Autotest" feature I saw demoed somewhere? Is that


On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 8:20 AM, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> the good thing about the current practice of putting tests into another
> package/application is that you can separate them from your actual code for
> deployment (packaging), but you can also add them to your deliverable.
> If you mix code and tests, there may be good points about that, but in the
> end the limiting factor is the developer's discipline/motivation. And to
> some extent the quality of tools. The current state of test runners in most
> Smalltalk environments is not too bad.
> So I guess we need to educate people more towards writing tests, not
> change the place where they belong.
> Putting tests somewhere else than other Smalltalk's do would also start
> build hurdles to portability of tools between them. Would be a pity,
> wouldn't it?
> Just my 2 cents
> Joachim
> Am 17.11.13 19:58, schrieb Andy Burnett:
>> Esteban said
>> <<<
>> Hi,
>> It does not really matters where you put the test.
>> What matters is to have the tools that show them properly, and we are
>> going in that direction. We already have ways to "jump to tests" in
>> Nautilus, and we will continue improving that to show them together (for
>> example).
>> But I do not think the tests need to be *in* the class definition to have
>> same level of interoperation.
>> Esteban
>> >>>
>> I agree. The actual architecture doesn't matter. The critical factor is
>> making it as easy as possible to write/navigate tests. I didn't know about
>> the Nautilus features. I shall have to go and experiment.
>> Also, thinking about Doru's point. I wonder if we could write
>> tests/examples in the comments section of code. It might be an interesting
>> addition
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel
> Fliederweg 1               
> D-71640 Ludwigsburg        
> Telefon: +49 7141 56 10 86 0         Fax: +49 7141 56 10 86 1

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