It's a fact of life that leverage implies rigidity. A rubber crowbar is flexible, but useless. Our challenge is, as I see it, to determine the minimum we need to keep rigid in order to get maximum leverage for doing the rest.

On 03.02.2015 14:34, Marcus Denker wrote:

On 03 Feb 2015, at 14:29, Sebastian Sastre < <>> wrote:

On Feb 3, 2015, at 11:18 AM, kilon alios < <>> wrote:

But the more user it will get the more inflexible will become to change. That's a big price to pay for abandoning the nomad life.

Note that, that statement, is not exactly true.

The more users it gets, the more social pressure the community will put on it.

That happens.


Flexibility is function of design and not coupled with community size.

And it is a good problem to solve: We need to change the language to make it easier evolvable.
A very nice research topic.
(which in a second step then can be feed back into the system, making future evolution easier)



The essence of object orientation is that
objects collaborateto achieve a goal.
Trygve Reenskaug mailto: <>
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