In the event you need a bit more than the below would buy you (although it
sounds like it would be fine) Seaside has a REST add-on ->


From:  Pharo-users <> on behalf of
Sebastian Heidbrink <>
Reply-To:  Any question about pharo is welcome <>
Date:  Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 3:12 PM
To:  Any question about pharo is welcome <>
Subject:  Re: [Pharo-users] RESTful API with Pharo with Gemstones

Am 23.06.2015 um 11:40 schrieb sergio_101:
> I have been a project coming up that I really onlyneed a restful  API on.
> The front end will  be first built on a mobile device(iOS )then back on
> possibly android, with a very stripped down web application.
> i would like to use pharo/gemstones as the database.
> is there a project out there that allows for such restful API development in
> pharo land? This would be so fun!
> thanks
 I am not so sure what you mean exactly but this is my stack.
 I use pure Zinc-REST on the Gemstone side and the REST API is described in
Swagger-Spec from within Gmestone.
 Clients are VBA, Amber and Pharo and they utilize the Swagger API spec to
access the server.
 Works pretty well and is much more preformant than the intial Pharo MongoDB
backend I initially used.
 Have a look into!/~HeSe/Swagger-Spec
 There you can find most of the needed Swagger implementation some minor
details like type constants are missing.
 Once your Gemstoneserver knows how to host his Swagger-Spec you can host it
 This saves a lot of explaning time to client developers.

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