hey, sebastian.. this looks great! this looks like what i am after..

did you run into any problems or limitations using Amber as a front end? I
have not tried Amber yet, so this might be the right time to give it a
shot.. where did you find zinc-rest? a quick search turns up references to
it.. should i be able to just install it via my image?

andrew - i thought about using the seaside rest add on, but seaside seems
to be alot of overhead just to run a rest server..

mariano - i am thinking about using api token..

On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 3:13 PM Sebastian Heidbrink <shei...@yahoo.de>

> Am 23.06.2015 um 11:40 schrieb sergio_101:
>  I have been a project coming up that I really onlyneed a restful  API
> on.
>  The front end will  be first built on a mobile device(iOS )then back on
> possibly android, with a very stripped down web application.
>  i would like to use pharo/gemstones as the database.
>  is there a project out there that allows for such restful API
> development in pharo land? This would be so fun!
>  thanks
> I am not so sure what you mean exactly but this is my stack.
> I use pure Zinc-REST on the Gemstone side and the REST API is described in
> Swagger-Spec from within Gmestone.
> Clients are VBA, Amber and Pharo and they utilize the Swagger API spec to
> access the server.
> Works pretty well and is much more preformant than the intial Pharo
> MongoDB backend I initially used.
> Have a look into http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~HeSe/Swagger-Spec
> There you can find most of the needed Swagger implementation some minor
> details like type constants are missing.
> Once your Gemstoneserver knows how to host his Swagger-Spec you can host
> it via https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui
> This saves a lot of explaning time to client developers.
> Sebastian

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