Very nice experiment. Please, do keep this up.


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:57 PM, Stephan Eggermont <> wrote:

> When experienced (non-smalltalk) developers come to Pharo, they often
> complain about the (perceived) lack of keyboard control. Spotter has made
> it easy to open new browsers and inspectors, but navigating between all the
> open windows is still mostly done with the mouse.
> What would happen if we create an state-full interface, showing code as
> cards, and explicitly switch between navigating and editing?
> Drag some methods to the code panel, click on it and start editing.
> Esc switches between navigation and editing, when navigating switches
> enter between the collapsed and expanded view of a card. The arrow keys
> select other cards, and using shift a card can be moved.
> How much code do we need for that? Well, the prototype fits in 6 columns
> on an UHD screen.
> Gofer it
>   smalltalkhubUser: 'StephanEggermont' project: 'Documentation';
>   configurationOf: 'NewUI';
>   load.
> CodePanel new openInWindowLabeled: 'CodePanel'
> What needs fixing: navigating over empty columns.
> Stephan


"Every thing has its own flow"

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