On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:32 PM, Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:05 PM, Andrew Glynn <aglyn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm not sure that those developers will ever be happy with Smallltalk.
> > Unless you can do everything in VI and compile on the command line, they
> > feel there's something wrong.
> Perhaps you need to widen your perspective.
> Just because there are fundamentalists on one side doesn't mean that
> you have to became fundamentalist on the other side to balance it
> out...
> Pharo is full of shortcuts, because they are very useful. (And if you
> are not using them you are only hurting yourself.)
> The point is not to take everything to extreme, but to see what's
> valuable and explore.

The main issue is that the shortcuts aren't consistent across platforms (or
sometimes just conflict or do not work).
Like in Pharo 5/Windows, some things are okay with Ctl-key, and not Alt-key
(they were in the past). And some Alt-key works in specific contexts.
Or in Linux, some things are giving problems.

I like the new $r command | $r control | ... scheme. Much cleaner. What is
not nice is that GTInspector isn't picking up the new combos as it displays
the KM class and not the shortcut.

Back to keyboard, the TilingWindowManager (working back on that atm) has
I am a vim and tmux user, and Ctl-W hjkl is really useful, as is
Ctl-PgUp/PgDown, Or Ctl-z etc.
One of the features I am going to add is that Ctl-W hjkl window selection
as it is too good to pass.

I am mousing a lot in Pharo (even if I know about the shortcuts). It is
nice to be able to search around by point and click.

Now, we need to rationalize some wordings, especially "Users of X",
"References to X". Confuses people.

With such keyboard movements, the desktop manager, a good TWM, and spotter,
that's a great thing. Playground needs to be integrated closer with
spotter. I want to launch a playground from there, using what I typed as a
command (yes, I know there were discussions for/against that one. Still, I
find myself retyping into Playground what  typed into Spotter. Frustrating.)

There is a lot of power in Pharo keybindings, we need to streamline this.
What an awesome tool we have here!

Excited by Pharo more than ever.


> Peter

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