
> On 30 Nov 2015, at 15:15, Werner Kassens <wkass...@libello.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> SortedCollection>>storeOn: seems to have a little problem since it does not 
> store sortBlock and the used super-method (in Collection) uses #add: which 
> uses sortBlock and their default uses #<=, hence if the elements are not 
> comparable via #<=, but need a special sortblock, one gets an error on 
> retrieving that collection. of course i can circumvent that tiny problem by 
> defining #<= or using fuel, but i wonder whether i should report that on the 
> bugtracker? btw perhaps some other collections with instanceVariables which 
> do not define their own #storeOn: (eg Heap) could also have eventually some 
> problems.
> werner

I am not so sure the #storeOn: / #readFrom: mechanism is still being 
maintained. I am not using it in any case, I thought it was mostly broken. I 
would be surprised if someone is still using it for real.

But I might be wrong. In that case there should be a suite of real unit tests 
that defines and maintains the expected behaviour. And then you would be right, 
we should fix it. 


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