
For graphical representation, take a look at Roassal:


> On Jan 2, 2016, at 11:51 PM, Saša Janiška <g...@atmarama.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking how to build GUI app with Pharo and today found out
> screenshot of Lawsuit Tracker (http://smallworks.eu/web/projects/lawsuit
> Tracker) which very much resembles 'typical' desktop/business
> application. The web site says: "It is made using Pharo, Glamour,
> Magritte and MongoDB." and in my case I'd replace MongoDB with Sqlite3,
> have need for more grpahical output - something like:
> http://saravali.de/screenshots.html
> but wonder about other components and whether they (Glamour/Magritte)
> are still relevant *today* ?
> Otoh, today I was re-reading some stuff about Julia language which looks
> as fine langauge, but it does not fit on one psotcard, although it
> provides more "classical" way of developing: editor+REPL along with
> Gtk(.jl) bindings.
> The language does perform very well, iow. it's quite fast which is good
> for my project, but it's a bit cumbersome since there is no support to
> compile end application, while it looks that Pharo has advantage here
> providing smoother way of deployment (multi-platform wise).
> Any hint?
> -- 
> Even if you are considered to be the most sinful of all sinners, 
> when you are situated in the boat of transcendental knowledge 
> you will be able to cross over the ocean of miseries.


"One cannot do more than one can do."

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